Sunday, January 16, 2011


What is Juxtaposition?

"Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variables, side by side and their contrast or similarities are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually 'turning' something familiar to something less familar or vice-versa."

It can be conclude that , juxtaposition means placing things side by side to bring out a specific quality or creating an effect. The similarities and differences between the two elements will attract the viewer's attention.



Choose three pairs of number from group one and three pairs of number from group two. Merge each pair of them together. Write a sentence by using the words given and draw pictures for each of the group:

Group A Group B

1. Flower 0. Head
2. Lightning 9. Rain
3. Ice 8. Wood
4. Light 7. Tree
5. Fire 6. Spider
6. Duck 5. Root
7. Dog 4. Mountain
8. Oil 3. Wind
9. Leave 2. Rock
0. Fly 1. Water

Number that i choose are :

(a)5 and (b)0 (fire+head)
The fire on the head
(a)1 and (b)2 (flower+rock)
flowers growing on the rock

(a)4 and (b)7 (light+Tree)
Light up the Christmas tree

Create a passage/writing that describes the concept of “Love”.

Love is like a chili. Chili can stimulus our appetite, just like love can moisture and make our normal lives become more interesting and special.

Using candle, create a sentence with "life" concept

Life is a Candle
Snuffed any
We, who warm
by its glow,

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